
Title: Warcross

Author: Marie Lu

416 Pages

Genre: Science Fiction

Date read: March 2019 (Sixth Grade)

Synopsis: Emika, a bounty hunter, is watching a game of Warcross when she sees a rare power up that is worth lots of money. This would mean a lot to her since she is barely getting by. She decides to try to hack the game to get it. The hack is successful, except now everyone can see her. She glitched herself into the game. This earns her worldwide fame, and a ticket into the Warcross season. But when the creator of Warcross, Hideo Tanaka, invites her to talk with him, she gets a job that she wasn’t expecting.

4 stars

Review: I gave this book 4 stars because I really liked the plot. It was a good mix of science fiction and reality. It had some science fiction in it, but it wasn’t super crazy making it easy to follow. It was also easy to relate to the book. It was interesting how fast Emika’s life changed. I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a science fiction, or just a good book for the weekend.